Card Dungeon APK+DATA

Card Dungeon APK+DATA
Full 3D. Rotate, zoom and pan across gorgeous board game tiles.
Discover and equip 1000’s of cards.
Each play through genuinely unique as you transition from playing a hard hitting warrior to a summoning wizard to a trap laying rogue, etc, etc, etc. Dozens of combinations await you!
Randomly generated levels with hand placed creatures.
No defined player classes. The cards define your class!
Discover armor and weapon cards that help define who Your Crusader is this run.
Unlock trait cards which modify how Crusader acts in game. Play a cowardly, but strong Crusader. Next time play a Crusader strong with magic, but one that keeps losing money.
Record short video clips and upload your achievements and rare card finds for your friends to see. You can even record commentary directly from inside the game (requires use of camera and microphone).
21 levels packed with 40+ monsters, each with their own unique skills for Crusader to overcome.
Unique and beautiful artwork
Requires Android: 2.3 and Up
Version: 1.3
Download Links:
Install APK,Place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/ and play.
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